Goals Tuesdays

Good afternoon! Hope all is well! How many of you have joined me in the ab challenge? I’m so sore after doing 2 days in a row! I know I’ll see results through so it’s a good sore. I’m glad today is a rest day though.
If you’d like to be added to the secret challenge group on Facebook please email me or comment below! I’d love to have some extra accountability. I’d also love to help keep you motivated and accountable too.
Today we’re talking about goals again! How have you been progressing on your goals? I’m trucking right a long. This month I was able to submit 2 parties for Scentsy! That made me $60! I also have earned 2 $5 PayPal gift cards and a $5 Amazon gift card. I also sold a few items that were cluttering the up my house and made another $80 from those! So I made $155 this month. That’s a far cry from where I want to be but it’s a step in the right direction.
I’m not going to give up! I’m ugoing to bust through the excuses. I’m going to try again next month.
My goals for October are going to look pretty similar to this month. I’m not going to change too many of them. The goals I had set this month apply to next month too.
Here are my goals for the month of October
To spend quality and quantity time with my kids.
To spend quality and quantity time with my husband.
To go trick or treating as a family.
To develop a strong, vibrant relationship with God
To exercise my mind and body daily.
To nourish my mind and body through nutrition, reading, learning and writing
Business/ Career
To write and blog daily
To create a successful, profitable Scentsy business
To work on social media marketing and affiliate marketing programs daily
To keep myself self healthy mentally and physically through exercising, eating properly, journaling, relaxing and getting enough sleep.
I am looking forward to working towards my goals again this month and seeing how much I can accomplish. Next week I’ll give you my action plan or my blueprint for the month. This is something I just recently learned about and will share more with you about next week.
In the mean time… I would like to challenge you to make sure you have created your new goals for October. Look back at September’s goals. See what you have accomplished and what you still need to work on. Make your list and put it somewhere you’ll see it every day.
I’ll be back tomorrow with Work at Home Wednesdays!

Have a blessed, safe and inspiring day!

Coupon Monday

Good afternoon! How was your weekend? How many of you started the ab challenge yesterday? I haven’t heard from any of you to add you to the group on Facebook! 😦 Email me at Lianniecreations@gmail.com or comment below to be added to the group!
I am so sore already! It’s been a few months since I did this work out! It’s a tough workout that will give you great results. My kids like to do the workout with me. They add a little extra resistance by laying on my legs. They also like to lay under me while I do the plank.
We went grocery shopping last night! We have been on a very tight budget the last few weeks. We were literally running out of food in the house!
Our budget for this trip was $200 max! That would put my husband on a very tight gas budget. $50 for the week. (He usually needs about $100 just to commute back and forth to work!) We were really nervous about how we were going to make it this week.
I sat down with my coupons, circulars, price book and a calculator. I was determined to get the week’s groceries under our budget. I did just that and more actually!
We were able to get almost 2 weeks worth of food for a family of four for $166. We saved $111.69! I was shocked at how well the trip went even with the crazy additions my husband kept throwing into the cart.
Here’s how I did it! The first thing I did was look at what we already had. Which wasn’t much.
Then I made my menu for the week! That took me about 20 minutes. I include snacks, baby food to make, lunches, breakfast and dinner.
Then I made my regular list this includes all of the things we always buy, meat, chicken, cereal, etc. Then I looked at the circular for Winn Dixie. I found that a lot of my regular items were on sale. I also had coupons for a lot of my regular items. Winn Dixie also has a make a meal deal. We are part of the baby club as well. Winn Dixie sends us coupons for free diapers and wipes.

Have a blessed, safe and inspiring day!

Homemade Saturdays

I apologize for this post being a day late! My poor baby boy has an ear infection and was absolutely miserable yesterday! We took him to the doctor, got some antibiotics and he’s feeling better now.
I made my own cold pack. It was so easy and super inexpensive! I can’t figure out why I kept buying them.
I found the recipe on DIYNatural.com. All you need is a couple Ziploc bags, water and rubbing alcohol! Sounds pretty simple right!
Mix 2 cups of water with 1 cup rubbing alcohol in a bag. Put it in the freezer for a few hours. Then place the first bag into a second bag. This is just for added strength.
You can use and re-use this just as you would a commercial cold pack. It’s nice and flexible. I used it to ice my knee after a tough workout (old injury flared up).
The whole thing cost me about $1.50! So not only is it safe from the crazy chemicals but it’s a money saver too. The last ice pack I bought was $10! Making my own ice pack saved me $8.50!!
I’ll be back Monday with Coupon Mondays!

Have a blessed, safe and inspiring day!

Challenge Fridays!!

Good afternoon!! I’m so excited about this series!! I have been working on getting things nailed down and figuring out which ab workout to do. There are so many out there. I finally settled in on one called intense abs!!
I have done this challenge before and was amazed at my results. I’m going to do it again with you! I’m hoping to lose another inch!


This is the workout plan. We’ll be doing this exercise every other day. It will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday!
If you would like to be kept accountable I am creating a secret Facebook group specifically for these challenges.
If you’d like to be added please email me and I’ll add you.
I’ll be posting daily motivation and recipes to help you move towards a healthier lifestyle. I’m going to get this group going tomorrow. We’ll get our first workout in on Sunday!!
I’d love to hear from you if you’ll be joining the challenge. Please comment below if you’re in!
I’ll be back tomorrow with Homemade Saturdays!

Have a blessed, safe and inspiring day!

Life Improvement Thursdays

Good afternoon!! I’m feeling recharged, rejuvenated and ready for tomorrow’s new series! I’m so excited about the new ideas I have and the ability I have to bring you a great workout.
It’s going to be a lot of fun and hard work but if you stick with it and push yourself hard it will benefit you immensely. I’ll be posting a link for a private group on Facebook where I’ll be posting things each day and would love for you to post too. I can’t wait to get started!
This week I’d like to get back to talking about decluttering your life. This applies to physical clutter, mental clutter, schedule clutter, emotional clutter and even relationship clutter. There’s just so many things that pull for our attention. We get overwhelmed by everything that we have to do and eventually we just shut down. We don’t want to do it anymore. We can’t keep doing it anymore.
I know I’ve been there many times before. I’ve been there recently and I’m still clawing my way out. I’m learning how to get out of the pit I’m in by reading Say Goodbye to Survival Mode.
I’ve been talking about this book in the goals posts. It is an awesome book by an awesome blogger and woman. I would highly recommend checking it out. It’s available at this link //ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?ServiceVersion=20070822&OneJS=1&Operation=GetAdHtml&MarketPlace=US&source=ac&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&ad_type=product_link&tracking_id=lianniecreati-20&marketplace=amazon&region=US&placement=1400206464&asins=1400206464&linkId=5E5GEFTFEEN3NHDT&show_border=true&link_opens_in_new_window=true
Decluttering is essential to begin to see the sun again. I’m working on decluttering my home. I’m decluttering my schedule with the help of a course I’m taking by Chalene Johnson. You can check out this live course http:// http://www.smartsuccessseminar.com/craffl?inf_contact_key=b05a73f57c43856f541b8cd8672a72023e4b05d45b7cc4b88302e3c39311391c .
Life is getting a lot better than I thought it could be given my ability to get overwhelmed and put too much on my plate. I’m a people pleaser so I constantly say yes to everything people ask me to do. I’m starting to learn to say No to things that don’t get me closer to my goals.
I’m starting to realize that I have used things other people ask me to do as an excuse not to face my own fears. (Another subject we’ve talked about in our goals posts.) I’m learning that without fear of failure there’s no courage for success!
I know I challenged you in a goals post a few weeks ago to declutter your schedule. I’m going to take it one step further today! I want to challenge you to look at the goals you’ve made for yourself. Then look at your schedule! Are there things on it that don’t move you towards your goals? I bet there are. I know I had tons of them. Circle every single thing that doesn’t move you closer to your goals.
Once you’ve circled those things that you don’t have to do! Figure out how to graciously bow out. It’s something that will for some of you cause a lot of anxiety. Just remember this is going to help give you room to work towards your goals.
One thing Chalene Johnson recommended in the first part of her Smart Success Seminar was to be honest with the person you have made a commitment with and just say I want to Thank you for thinking of me. After taking a look at my schedule I realized I can’t give you my best performance because I have a commitment to my family to do ___________. Or I can’t give you my best performance because I have _____ commitment on the same day and I’m overbooked.
Just be honest and open and people will understand. Over the next week I would love for you to clear 5 commitments out of your schedule that just don’t move you towards your goals. I’d also love to hear from you what you are working on getting out of your schedule. Shoot me an email or comment and let me know what you’re working on or if you need any help or advice.
I’ll be back tomorrow with our new challenge!! I look forward to getting started.

Have a blessed, safe and inspiring day!

Work at home Wednesdays

Good evening!! I hope you are all having a great day! I have been having a rough day. I got passed over for a job and wasn’t even given the chance to interview. So I’m pretty bummed.
I also got very frustrated with Fiverr. I went to submit a gig and you have to upload a picture that fits their specific requirements. None of my pictures were big enough.
I also signed up for a profile on odesk, freelancer and elegance. I had no problem with any of these sites. I have even bid in a few jobs. I haven’t gotten any yet though.
I am going to look into some other sites this week. I’m going to look at Reviewme, sharedreviews, and epinions. I’m thinking these are going to be survey sites.
I’m getting more comfortable with my skills. I’m also brushing up on my typing skills. I’m doing typing tests on an app I found.
I’m also working on brushing up on my grammar and syntax. I would like to be able to proofread some documents on Fiverr (if I can ever submit a gig). To do that I have to make sure I know what I’m doing.
There are a ton of different types of work you can do. I’m just picking something that I enjoy. I’ve always loved English and reading.
I’ll let you know how it goes with the other sites next week. As well as my progress on my current profiles on the freelance sites.
I’ll be back tomorrow with Life Improvement Thursdays.

Have a blessed, safe and inspiring day!

Goals Tuesdays

Good evening! Yesterday was a hectic day! The weather got really bad really quick. My internet went out for several hours and my cell phone was getting horrible service. My youngest was having sinus problems. It was just awful!
Today was somewhat better. My son was still pretty fussy. He’s finally sleeping. I’ve been listening to the excuse buster videos while rocking him for most of the day.
Excuses can get in the way of a lot of productivity. They can cause you to miss out on some great successes. They can cause you to miss out on some great experiences.
By becoming an excuse buster you can move your life forward. You can experience new things. You can have great successes.
This week is about stepping out of your comfort zone. If you stay in your comfort zone you will miss out on some great opportunities. It’s going to be tough though. You’ll have to fight of the excuses you make in your head.
Are you afraid of talking to strangers? Are you afraid of failing? Stepping out of your comfort zone means facing those fears.
You have to bust those excuses or fears to succeed. You have to get past those fears to reach your goals. You can’t live up to your full potential with those excuses and fears floating in your head.
I have been working on facing my fears, fighting my excuses. I’m forcing myself to talk to more people. I’m getting myself to a point where I’m more comfortable talking to strangers.
Keep fighting your excuses. Keep being an excuse buster. Keep fighting your fears!

Have a blessed, safe and inspiring day!

Homemade Saturdays

Good afternoon!! How was your week? Are you excited about the new series? I am I have a ton of ideas that I’ve gotten from Pintrest!
Today though is about homemade products! This week I made homemade puff paint. My oldest was home on Thursday and I needed something to help keep him entertained while I got the baby down for a nap.
It’s so simple! All you need is flour, water, salt, food coloring and a few squeeze bottles. Mix equal amounts of flour, water and salt together really well. You don’t want any clumps. About 1/2 cup of each works great.
Once you have that all mixed together, add the food coloring! You can use a little bit or a lot for brighter, more vibrant colors. Mix the food coloring in well.
Then use a funnel to pour the paint into a squeeze bottle. Repeat the steps for each color paint you want to make. You’ll want to use a heavier paper cause the paint can soak through regular paper.
My son thought it was so cool that we could make our own paint. I thought it was cool that it was non toxic and edible. You always have to be careful what you let your 4 year old play with.
I’ll be back Monday with coupon Monday!!

And the new series will be…

Good afternoon!! I’ve decided that we are going to start a 30 day challenge each month!! It’s going to start next Friday!!
Each month we’ll focus on something different! The first challenge will be a work out challenge. Next week we’ll start the challenge. It’s going to be an ab workout!
I’ll post an image with the workouts for the week! Then we’ll check in the following week to see how it went and get the next assignments. It’s going to be farely simple.
I’m looking forward to starting this with all of you!! We can help keep each other accountable. I’m going to create a private Facebook group. That you will be able to join. We’re going to have a lot of fun.
I’ll be back tomorrow with my homemade product review.

Life Improvement Thursdays

Good evening!! Sorry this post is so late! Technical difficulties today!!
So last week we talked about decluttering. How’s it going? Have you gotten rid of anything yet? I’ve gotten rid of a bunch of stuff. I meant to take a picture of the pile before it left my house but I forgot. I had 3 boxes and 3 garbage bags full of stuff we don’t use.
This week we’re going to go totally off in left field! Normally I try to ease out of one topic and into another but I promise we’ll come back to this next week. This week I wanna talk to you about happiness in the midst of bad circumstances.
I’m having to learn this a lot lately.
I’m learning that no one else is responsible for my happiness but me!
For years I have put a lot of pressure on my husband to keep me happy. I never realized just how much I depended on him to be my main source of happiness. It made it hard for me to just be happy.
If we would get into an argument I would be upset for days. I lost my ability to just be happy. I lost the reality that I’m responsible for my own happiness.
I have started doing a few exercises to help me get my happiness back! I’ve started keeping a gratitude journal. I’ve started everyday writing down three things that make me feel grateful.
I’ve also started praying for myself and my family. I realized that I had stopped praying for myself. I still prayed for everyone else but not  me. I couldn’t even figure out when I stopped.
I’ve also started doing things I enjoy again. I’ve started dancing again. I’ve started singing again. I’ve started writing more. I’ve started selling Scentsy again. (I really do love my job!)
Over the last few days I have had a lot trying to bring me down. These tips have helped me overcome the sadness and stress. I really have been happier lately. I’m starting to take back control of my happiness.
I’ll be back with our new series tomorrow.