Rewards Programs Fridays

Happy Friday! Hope you had a great week! Mine was a little chaotic but full of great moments. I’m thrilled with how my week has gone and look forward to next week being just as awesome.
Today we’re going through Kellogg’s Family Rewards! This is an awesome program. This program is another one that rewards you for buying products you would already use. Any Kellogg’s product may have a code inside the box.
You enter the code on the Kellogg’s Family Rewards website. They give you points based on the product and size of the product. You accrue points to buy your rewards.
They have a huge list of rewards. You can buy stuff for yourself, your kids or your home. There is such a wide variety of products.
I have gotten several learning activities and coloring pages for my oldest. I’m working on getting more points built up. There are so many products that I’m interested in but don’t want to spend money on.
I’ll be back tomorrow with Homemade Saturdays!

Have a blessed, safe and inspiring day!

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